Learning By:
Following school rules and school staff directions.
- Keeping focused on my work
- Coming to school prepared to work.
- Participating in class activities and discussions.
- Completing my own work and homework.
- Keeping my eyes on my own paper when taking quizzes and tests.
Property By:
Taking care of things in my school and on school ground.
- Not bringing dangerous or distracting things, such as matches, lighters, weapons, toys, fireworks, alcohol/ tobacco/ other drugs, medicine not prescribed for me etc…
- Using school materials or a classmate’s materials for their intended purpose. Using technology devices as directed by adults.
- Following rules about safety: Refraining from touching a fire alarm unless there is an emergency. Refraining from making threats about bombs or blowing something up. Using playground equipment in a safe manner
- The students are supposed to reach the school 5 min before the school starts. Late comers will have to get written permission from the Principal.
- Students must come to school in clean, neat and proper uniform.
- Criticism of the teacher or school in the presence of a child should be avoided.
- Uniform is obligatory and should be strictly in accordance with the pattern prescribed by the school. Students should be very neatly dressed. The school uniform should be worn on all working days. No relaxation is acceptable in this regard.
- Parents should confer with the teacher if assignments seem consistently unclear or too difficult.
- Parent should notify the teacher if an unforeseen occurrence prevents the student from completing an assignment.
- Parent should make every attempt to schedule vacation time during those blocks provided within the school calendar. Missing classroom instruction cannot be replaced with homework assignments. Homework is designed to reinforce instruction.